Anyone who has spoken to me for more than a few minutes will quickly find out that my passion is storytelling. In fact it’s the first word in my LinkedIn profile. I believe that ALL business communication, be it in sales, marketing, technical publications, white papers, reports, even simple emails, is simply different forms of telling stories.
Among the many books sitting on the bookshelf near my desk that cover the techniques and idea of using storytelling in business is a book with the great title Whoever Tells The Best Story Wins. That title is a sentiment that resonates with me every time I catch a glimpse of the book when I sit down to start work. It’s a daily reminder of why I do what I do.
Among my research into the subject of businesses adopting storytelling ideas I recently came across the idea that a CEO should consider themselves to be the Chief Storyteller.
That’s a great idea, and it would be cool to see that adopted as a job title within an organization. But I believe that it's a concept that should be adopted on a broader scope.
Yes it’s great to have a spokesperson who can promote the business, but I believe that storytelling should be woven throughout a business’s culture and that anyone connected to an enterprise should be able to tell its story. Even if that is just an engaging elevator pitch response to the question ‘What does the business do?’
Do you know your company’s story?
A Note of Appreciation
Thanks to all the folks you took up new subscriptions or read the newsletter since its launch. We really appreciate the support.
We hope that you will enjoy what we have to offer, and remember the easiest way to receive the newsletter each week is to hit the SUBSCRIBE button so it gets delivered straight to your email inbox.
Weekly #CX Thought
Consumer technology has continued to outpace most business applications, especially internal ones. Improvements in consumer technology have caused a behavioral change. We have higher expectations of our interactions with technology and information.
Upcoming Events
Our 2024 industry conference season will be kicking off in a few weeks, and you’ll be able to catch up with us at the following events:
CEX - Content Entrepreneurs Expo - May 5-7 - Cleveland, OH. -
This will be our first time at the CEX event and we are looking forward to mixing with the new generation of content entrepreneurs to learn about building profitable content based business.
STC Summit - May 17-19 - Bloomington, MN -
The annual conference for the Society of Technical Communicators has been a regular highlight of our year for many years now, and I’m delighted to once again be participating this year as both a speaker and industry panelist.
Content Discovery Workshops - Now Booking for Q2/24
THE CONTENT POOL is offering a special discount on our two-day Content Discovery Workshops for newsletter subscribers and readers.
We are now taking workshop bookings for Q2/2024, and we wanted to make sure that as a newsletter reader you got an early opportunity to lock-in a date.
Our April dates are now full, but we still have availability in May and June.
As a reminder during these on-site in-person workshops workshop we will:
Develop your content vision
Identify opportunities to leverage your content in new ways
Map out the path to transform your enterprise content.
It will be followed by two deliverables:
Key observations document
High-level content transformation plan
A quick overview of the standard workshop format can be found at
If you would like more details, or you like to discuss reserving a date for yourself and your team to benefit from a Content Discovery workshop, just email us at
In The Bookstore
If you enjoy the contents of this newsletter and would like more, we have three books always available from XML Press.
You can also check out The Content Pool website or follow us on FaceBook or on Twitter/X at @TheContentPool
Please feel free to share the newsletter and pass it around to any friends or colleagues you think might find it of value.
Till next time - have fun paddling in The Content Pool.
Alan Porter
The Content Pool™ is a division of the 4Js Group LLC