What’s the hardest working piece of content you produce?
What content has the longest circulation and shelf life.?
What content channel has withstood literally centuries of technology changes and is as familiar today as it was 400 years ago?
Don’t know?
Look in your wallet, or on your desk. I bet you can easily lay your hand on an example.
The answer – your business card.
They may not be as popular as they once were, but they are still very much in use. At the conference I attended just a couple of weeks ago I witnessed many being exchanged, and came home with a small stack of newly acquired ones myself.
The business card has been around since the 17th Century. The first “trade cards” were developed in London and were used as advertising and also as maps, directing the public to merchant’s stores, as there was no formal street numbering system at the time. By the 19th Century the concept had become combined with the French “carte de visite” (or visiting card) that also first appeared in the 17th Century, to produce the modern business card that we all recognize.
So why do I consider it the hardest working piece of content you produce?
Just think of all the things a business card must accomplish:
Say who you are.
Say what your job is.
Let people know how to contact you (and as technology increases so does the number of contact choices.)
Give the company name (and maybe a division name)Let people know what the company does.
Project the company’s culture and values through use of design, color and maybe even the type of card stock
All in a space just 3 ½ x 2 inches.
The business card can be a great marketing and communications tool that fits nicely into a wallet or purse so it's always readily available1.
Take a look at your business card, what does it say about you and your business?
A Note of Appreciation
Thanks to all the folks you took up new subscriptions or read the newsletter since its launch. We really appreciate the support.
We hope that you will enjoy what we have to offer, and remember the easiest way to receive the newsletter each week is to hit the SUBSCRIBE button so it gets delivered straight to your email inbox.
Weekly #CX Thought
Information and content need to flow across bridges between silos. Data, content, and context should follow the customer.
Content Discovery Workshops - Now Booking for Q2/24
THE CONTENT POOL is offering a special discount on our two-day Content Discovery Workshops for newsletter subscribers and readers.
We are now taking workshop bookings for Q2/2024, and we wanted to make sure that as a newsletter reader you got an early opportunity to lock-in a date.
As a reminder during these on-site in-person workshops workshop we will:
Develop your content vision
Identify opportunities to leverage your content in new ways
Map out the path to transform your enterprise content.
It will be followed by two deliverables:
Key observations document
High-level content transformation plan
A quick overview of the standard workshop format can be found at https://the-content-pool.com/workshops/
If you would like more details, or you like to discuss reserving a date for yourself and your team to benefit from a Content Discovery workshop, just email us at info@4jsgroup.com
In The Bookstore
If you enjoy the contents of this newsletter and would like more, we have three books always available from XML Press.
You can also check out The Content Pool website or follow us on FaceBook or on Twitter/X at @TheContentPool
Please feel free to share the newsletter and pass it around to any friends or colleagues you think might find it of value.
Till next time - have fun paddling in The Content Pool.
Alan Porter
The Content Pool™ is a division of the 4Js Group LLC
I also have a digital business card loaded on my phone with the same content for those who prefer a digital exchange of information.